We’re makers of natural raw pet food in Pennsylvania, where winters can get pretty harsh. We know what it’s like to be cooped up.

But if you’re feeling cabin fever, chances are your dog is too.

But even though it may be too chilly to head outside, it doesn’t mean you can’t play with your pooch. If your dog seems bored or restless, try these indoor games recommended by the American Kennel Club.

1 – Hide and Seek

This game can be just as much fun for your four-legged children as it is your two-legged kids. To begin with, your dog should have a good handle on basic commands like “stay,” “sit” and “come.” Bring your dog to a room and ask them to stay, then head to another part of the house to hide.

Once you’ve found a hiding spot, call for your dog to encourage them to find you. Be sure to celebrate their victory once they’ve sniffed you out.

2 – Treasure Hunt

With this game, you’re exercising your dog’s incredible nose (after all, they have 45 times as many smell receptors as we do).

Start by collecting a few containers or small boxes and putting them upside down on the floor. All but one of them will be empty. Under one, put one of your dog’s favorite treats and let them go to work. Once they’ve identified the correct box or container, reward them with the treat and congratulate them for a job well done.

If you have a “snuffle mat” or other similar toys with pockets, you can use that for your treasure hunt. These typically have multiple pockets to hide things and different levels of difficulty, which help your dog exercise their mind and their nose.

3 – Obstacle Courses

Use things you find around the house to create an obstacle course for your dog, making it as complex or simple as you wish depending on their ability.

Have them crawl through old cardboard boxes, stack books for them to jump over or have them navigate through a maze of chairs. If you have small traffic cones, use them to make an obstacle course for your dog to weave in and out of.

4 – Cardio Twist

Also known as “weave poles,” this game lets you get a workout along with your dog. Set up “poles” using household objects like chairs — or enlist other family members if they’re willing — and tell your dog to heal alongside you as you weave between the two poles.

Try to alternate between a fast and slow pace, which encourages your pet to focus on following you. It will improve the dog’s coordination while giving them — and you — a cardio workout.

5 – Obedience Training

It’s not much of a game, but it is a good way to keep your dog occupied and help both of you enjoy future play sessions where they’ll need to sit, stay, etc.

Best Raw Pet Food in Pennsylvania

All these games can build up an appetite for your dog. If he or she has been craving something new, it might be time to consider our natural raw pet food.

We carry multiple varieties, from classic flavors like beef and chicken to more exotic choices like quail, venison and duck. Contact us today to learn more.